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Ethics, Equipment and Conduct


Ethics, Equipment and Conduct

Introduction to Sliding

Balance – Part 1

Balance – Part 2

Delivery – Three Step Technique

Delivery – Five Step Technique

Grip, Rotation and Release of a Rock

Position of the Rock for a Three or Five Step Delivery

Delivery with a Stick


Sweepers’ Roles and Responsibilities


Roles and Communication Between Players

Sliding – Traps to Avoid

Turn and Release of the Stone – Traps to Avoid

Different Shots and Signals



Strategies – Continued

Curling is a team sport which is exciting to perform provided each player demonstrates good sportsmanship.

Definition of Sportsmanship

Sportsmanship begins by the strict observance of written rules, but it involves something more. Sportsmanship is mostly respecting moral standards within the framework of a competition. At any time, sportsmanship is demonstrating respect towards your teammates and your opponents. Sportsmanship is shown both on and off the ice and includes remaining humble in victory and gracious in defeat.


Clothing (pants, sweaters and vests) warm and comfortable, that breathe and prevent moisture while allowing freedom of movement.

Pants extensible, allowing for freedom of movement when delivering a rock (or stone).

Gloves or mittens that keep hands warm and protected when sweeping.

Shoes: To begin, we suggest clean flat running shoes with rubber soles. The club provides sliders if necessary. To enhance stability on the ice as well as the level of play, curling shoes are a great investment. The gripper must be cleaned regularly inside and out with a brush so as to avoid black residue on the ice. We suggest changing the gripper as soon as signs of wear and tear appear.

Brush: It is important to maintain your brush by cleaning the surface of all dirt before and during the game using the small brushes hanging at either end of each sheet, and by changing the fabric when it is worn in order to be effective when sweeping. We suggest you wash the brush with soap and water when it is dirty.

Physical Preparation Before the Game

To play well, and mostly, to avoid injuries, it is very important to proceed with a warm-up period before the game.

Without giving you a complete set of exercises, here are a few stretching exercises and activities to enhance your preparation.

  • A warm-up period of 5 to 10 minutes should be planned before a game. It is important to proceed with the warm-up period before entering the ice.
  • First, perform activation exercises, aerobic in nature, promoting a rapid increase of the flow to your muscles:
    • squats;
    • knee raises;
    • rotation of the torso;
    • shoulder and arm rotations.
  • The movement should be repeated 15 to 20 times while slowly increasing the pace.
  • Then, it is important to perform flexibility exercises on the following muscles, to prepare them for the efforts during the game:
    • quadriceps (front thigh);
    • hamstrings (back of thigh);
    • thigh adductors and abductors (interior and exterior thighs);
    • torso;
    • calves, arms and shoulders.

To warm-up a muscle, get into a stretch position (without it hurting) and hold it for about 15 seconds. Repeat two to three times on each side.

Warm-up Exercices

Warm-up Exercises

Finish off with simulation exercises, to remind the body of the sliding position:

  • simulate the stationary sliding position, off the ice, and hold this position for about 10 seconds;
  • upon entering the ice, slide a few times without a rock.

Ethics and Rules of Conduct

Upon entering the ice, you will find a frame reproducing curling Ethics Rules and principal Rules of Conduct to follow during a game. We suggest you consult them regularly and use them to educate newcomers to the sport on rules to follow.

The Player’s Code of Ethics

  • I will demonstrate good sportsmanship
  • I will act honorably both on and off the ice
  • I will never willfully violate a rule of play, but if ever I do, I will declare my mistake
  • I will never act in such a way as to intimidate or diminish my opponents, my teammates or the officials
  • I will interpret the rules of play in an impartial manner and will never forget that they exist to make sure the game is played in an orderly and fair fashion
  • If I violate the Ethics Code or the Rules of Play, I will humbly accept any punishment deemed appropriate by a governing body, regardless of the curling level.

Principal Rules of Conduct to Follow

  • Leads on each team draw lots (by turning the wheel provided for that purpose) to determine which team starts the game.
  • Players shall be ready to deliver their rock when it is their turn and/or sweep when a teammate is delivering a rock.
  • When a member of the opposing team is getting ready to deliver a rock, players on the opposing team shall position themselves on the side of the sheet, between the hog lines, while being quiet and still.
  • A delivered or moving stone cannot be touched by any player, equipment or personal belongings.
  • When you touch a stone, whether it is moving or not, report it (just say touched stone)!
  • Behind the T line, only one player from each team has the right to sweep. It can be any player on the delivering team and either the skip or vice-skip on the opposing team.
  • When finished sweeping, players shall return to the other end while walking on the side of the sheet.
  • Only vice-skips and skips can be in the house. When the opposing team delivers a rock, they should be still behind the back line and hold their broom so as not to hinder or distract the player getting ready to deliver a rock.
  • As long as the vice-skips have not determined the score, the other players cannot enter the house or move the rocks. When there is measuring, the players shall stay at the hog line. The vice-skip on the scoring team puts up the score.
  • The team having won the end delivers the first rock of the following end.
  • Players should be reminded to be cautious when moving rocks towards the corners of the sheet in preparation of the next end. Also make sure everyone is aware of rocks being moved towards them.

Upcoming Events

  • Mar
    Tournoi à la perche
    02:00 PM
  • Apr
    Tournoi Invitation Junior
    10:30 AM

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.


Contact Info

1 Montée du Panorama
Chelsea, QC
J9B 1K9

EMail: [email protected]

Phone: (819) 866-3031

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