• (819) 866-3031
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Ethics, Equipment and Conduct

Introduction to Sliding

Balance – Part 1

Balance – Part 2

Delivery – Three Step Technique

Delivery – Five Step Technique

Grip, Rotation and Release of a Rock

Position of the Rock for a Three or Five Step Delivery

Delivery with a Stick


Sweepers’ Roles and Responsibilities


Roles and Communication Between Players

Sliding – Traps to Avoid

Turn and Release of the Stone – Traps to Avoid

Different Shots and Signals



Strategies – Continued

Strategies – General Principles

One of the important aspects of curling is essentially the strategy chosen by the skip and his or her team. Strategy is a series of decisions and shots made to reach a goal. A curling team will generally opt for a general game plan, but the strategy shall be adapted to each end based on the results achieved.

Strategies can be divided into two general categories:


The team will attempt to count points by putting many stones in play. The use of guards, come-around draws, freezes or raises will be preferred. The Five Rock Rule is very useful for teams with this type of strategy.

Although this type of strategy can bring you vital points, it also comprises a certain level of risk that needs to be evaluated since the opponents may also profit from the stones in play.


The team will attempt to limit as much as possible the chances for the opponents to count points. Take-outs or unprotected draws in the house will therefore be privileged to keep the game as open as possible.

Strategies – Natural Concepts

To master the various curling strategies and to know how to use them requires experience. However, certain concepts are developed quite naturally.

For example:

  • At the beginning of the game: caution
  • With the last stone: use this advantage to count points
  • Without the last stone: steal the point by complicating the opponent’s task on the last delivery
  • In the lead: protect or accentuate the lead
  • Behind: catch up to your opponent

Strategies – Influencing Factors

Curling strategies are numerous and complex and depend on many factors:

Strengths and weaknesses of both teams

Players’ capacity to adequately execute draws or take-outs.

Whether the team has the last stone or not (hammer) 

The team with the hammer will attempt to count at least two points whereas the team without the hammer will try to steal or limit the opponent to one point.

The course of the game

The beginning of the game allows you to adapt to the ice and to the opponent’s reactions. Depending on results obtained, the team will adjust its strategy according to the course of the game.


A team in the lead will try to keep it (defensive) whereas a team that is behind will try to count many points (offensive).

Ice conditions

Ice conditions may favour certain types of shots. If there is not much curl, take-outs or raises are favoured. If ice conditions allow for more curl, guards and come-around draws will be favoured.

Upcoming Events

  • Mar
    Tournoi à la perche
    02:00 PM

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.


Contact Info

1 Montée du Panorama
Chelsea, QC
J9B 1K9

EMail: [email protected]

Phone: (819) 866-3031

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